Creative Recovery
Exploring extra solutions for our mental health and anxieties.
March 17, 2021
Please don't get me wrong I know clinical therapy works. I have done a lot of good work through many different therapy models myself but I am also aware not everyone wants to go down that route or maybe they are not ready yet.
When it comes to Mental Health, professionals tend to refer you onto counselling or clinical therapy. However, there are other options that work really well as a precursor or alongside helping you deal with and recover from Mental Health issues.
Core Art Journaling has worked within UKs Primary Health Care system within their new Social Prescribing model. This means when a project has been set up between us and a GP surgery link workers can propose other wellbeing activities to help alongside other medications. My creative wellbeing art journaling sessions have been used to help adults and teens to explore and process their thoughts and feelings visually through the power of creative recovery.
Core Art Journaling aims to give participants the creative tools to process and help build their own emotional resilience. With experience working in secondary schools, and within the health service my aim is to integrate a visual process to support anyone of any art ability into this creative wellbeing programmes.
In the future I am hoping art journaling could be considered under the banner of Creative Health Health are just a couple of reasons why:
1. Art journaling can be done in an any space and your journals become your own safe space for you.
2. Art Journaling is more personal as it allows you to write down all your feelings and then cover it up in amazing artwork and best of all you don’t need any prior art skills!
It's certainly something I would like to continue exploring. A great introduction to the world of Art Journaling and the best bit about it is there are no rules! Julia 2019
I was more impressed with how it enabled me to get in touch with myself and psychologically begin the healing process with my personal issues. Judy 2020
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